Alarming Controversies and Relation Between the Wet Market of China

Wet Market of China come in focus with the Coronavirus pandemic. But this is not the first time, Wet Market of China come into the highlight with the bird flu, SARS and many other severe respiratory viral infections. See the old news which suggest the relation.

  • “75 per cent of emerging infections come from the animal kingdom. So we really do plead with governments and plead with just about everybody else to be respectful. - says Dr David Nabarro

    WHO urges China to close ‘dangerous’ wet market as stalls in Wuhan begin to reopen

    '75 per cent of emerging infections come from the animal kingdom... It’s partly the markets, but it’s also other places where humans and animals are in close contact,' says Dr David Nabarro

  • Fact check: Coronavirus originated in China, not elsewhere, researchers and studies say

    An article circulating on social media claims the coronavirus did not originate in China. We examine the research and rate this claim false.

  • How wildlife trade is linked to coronavirus

    [4 years ago]

  • China has banned eating wild animals after the coronavirus outbreak. Ending the trade will be hard

    A strict ban on the consumption and farming of wild animals is being rolled out across China in the wake of the deadly coronavirus epidemic, which is believed to have started at a wildlife market in Wuhan.

  • Coronaviruses are zoonotic diseases, meaning they jump from animals to humans.

    The outbreaks of both the Wuhan coronavirus and SARS likely started in Chinese wet markets. Photos show what the markets look like.

    The Wuhan coronavirus outbreak likely started in a Chinese wet market, where meat and poultry are sold alongside live animals.

  • Scientists believe coronavirus originated in wild animal markets — and they want the Chinese government to shut them down

    "It is hard to design more perfect conditions for new viruses to emerge than market systems such as that in Wuhan," the Wildlife Conservation Society​ said.

  • China market may be breeding ground for deadly viruses

    Scorpions scamper in bowls, water snakes coil in tanks and cats whine in cramped cages, waiting to be slaughtered, skinned and served for dinner.

  • The wet-markets, at closer proximity to humans, with high viral burden or strains of higher transmission efficiency, facilitate transmission of the viruses to humans.

    Infectious diseases emerging from Chinese wet-markets: zoonotic origins of severe respiratory viral infections. - PubMed - NCBI

    PubMed comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

  • Infectious diseases emerging from Chinese wet-markets:... : Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases

    ere zoonotic viral infections transmitted by the respiratory route, with pandemic potential, are used as models to illustrate the role of Chinese wet-markets in their emergence, amplification and dissemination. Recent findings Two research groups indep

  • Animals in Chinese markets carried SARS-like virus

    Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy [20 years ago]

    Animals in Chinese markets carried SARS-like virus

    (CIDRAP News) – Chinese scientists found that animals sold at street markets in Guangdong, China, carried a coronavirus nearly identical to the SARS coronavirus, according to a report published recently in Science.